Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dr Oz's Miracle Must Have for Your Kitchen to Lose Weight

Get Skinny with Oil? Dr Oz's Miracle Must Have for your Kitchen to Help you get Skinny!

RICE BRAN OIL (also known as rice bran extract) 

Rice Bran Oil is the oil extracted from the germ or inner husk of rice. Consumed at room temperature Rice Bran oil is rich in vitamin E, gamma-oryzanol (an anti oxidant that may help prevent heart attacks), and phytosterols (compound believed to help lower cholesterol).

Lowers Cholesterol and Prevents Heart Disease
Results of an animal study showed that there was a 42% decrease in total cholesterol with a 62% drop in LDL.

Relieves Symptoms of Menopause
Rice Bran oil was also shown in Japanese research to relieve symptoms of menopause. In a study 90% of women reported that they found some relief from hot flashes after taking a rice bran oil supplement for 4 to 6 weeks.

Improves Blood Glucose Level and Burns Fat
Rice Bran Oil has been shown to have a positive effect on blood lipids by burning fat, mobilizing stored fat and creating lean body mass. It is thought to decrease fat storage and aid in fat loss.

Improves Metabolism
Rice Bran Oil is also rich in natural magnesium which has shown to improve metabolism.

Increases Energy
Many people have reported that after taking Rice Bran Oil for a few days or weeks that they have increased energy. Most likely due to the energy boosting phytonutrients like CoQ10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and B vitamins.